Jean Day is a poet, academic editor, and (now retired) union activist whose involvement in the San Francisco Bay Area poetry scene spans more than four decades. Her most recent book is Apicality, a limited edition published by Jane Gregory, Lyn Hejinian, and Claire Stancek’s Nion Editions. Each of the 125 copies of the book includes a unique pencil drawing by the author, viewable here.
Other books include The Night Before the Day on Which (Roof Books, 2022), Late Human (Ugly Duckling, 2021), The Triumph of Life (Insurance Editions, 2018), Daydream (Litmus, 2017), and many others.
In addition to writing, Day has had a lifelong interest in and intermittent practice of making things by hand, including drawings, wood carvings (mostly spoons), and clay objects.
She lives in Berkeley, California.
Photo: Alan Bernheimer